What I do

You can trust you have been guided to meet me and that is the right moment for You to experience something different.

Irini Hara

What I do

You can trust you have been guided to meet me and that is the right moment for You to experience something different.

Irini Hara

It is not easy to explain what I exactely do. You can trust you have been guided to meet me and that is the right moment for You to experience something different.

Be curious and courageous enough to embarque in a real and magical journey to your own Source of Wisdom and Light.

It is mostly an invitation to meet Yourself into deeper layers and explore what you carry inside from different perspectives: in the body, in your psyche, in your emotional realm and also spiritually. I warmly invite you to create space for listening and connecting to your Heart and see what is the message or energy inside this space. It is where all self-discovery journeys can begin.

First of all, I invite you to connect with the present moment and what you feel inside, what is not fully recognized or expressed. Then I can ask questions and guide you into answering from a place of inner knowing, inside your body. If answers are not coming easily I guide you in a meditation to help improve this connection. Sometimes I can recommend weekly or monthly meditations and practices as homework.

I also help you formulate an intention for the individual session. If it is not easy to do this by yourself, I guide you into a process of self-inquiry using different tools. Sometimes you might need to write something, to draw or paint or even dance and sing. Accessing the body through creative expressions is always a way to dive deeper and bring forward not expressed intentions and emotions.

According the intention and wishes that you bring in the session, I can propose a method or another or a combination of several methods and tools. If we work with a constellation of your family system I have a magical kit of lego figures that will represent the energies of the system. If you wish to unveil the trauma behind a specific intention I can propose the IoPT method with markers or other approaches. When the intention that has been formulated brings up past memories or events, an opening is created inside yourself and you can recognize and accept what happened and how it shaped your development and experiences in life. Then I can show you how to release/remove expectations, identifications and false beliefs and reformulate them into a healing experience. You will get out of your own trauma survival mechanisms and in the integration phase of this experience the healing will be felt as a return to a sense of wholeness (your healthy Identity), joy, power, increased self-awarness and thrive. If my expertise in this phase is required just re-connect with me when you feel it is needed.

When I work with a group I activate the sacred space using shamanic tools and I invite the participants to connect with the bigger morphic field to retrieve what is necessary for what we are supposed to do together. Especially when working with women there is a magic channel opening and creating the opportunity for special energies and healing to be brought. We thus create and activate a bigger, safe Womb container where human and divine energies blend into a magical act of co-creation and remembrance. Sometimes the exercises I propose, the meditation or shamanic journey I guide, can lead to the activation of the sacred fire (kundalini energy) in the wombs of participants. Other times there are important releases and insights that come. And most of the times we just enjoy ourselves and the beautiful energy the Circle generates.


As a Mentor I teach you that all the answers that you need are already inside yourself and I am here for you to just help retrieve them. I offer individual programmes of 10 sessions along 6 months to make you grow and heal on deep levels.

Womb Priestess and Activator (Alchemist)

As a Womb priestess and Ceremonialist I connect with the energies of the Divine Feminine embodied as Mary Magdalene (the wild and fierce soul of a Woman) and I channel these energies with beautiful messages, creative contents and ritual practices. I chose a spiritual name for this work and it means a Womb for Peace.

As a Womb alchemist (and Activator) I can stir into the cauldron of ancient wisdom and love I carry inside my own womb (and Heart) to support your own journey and also alchemize the inner processes that you open and run under my guidance. I also offer individual Womb activation and Womb healing sessions where I use shamanic tools and instruments, light language and guided meditation.


And as a Facilitator I hold space for your healing process to be catalyzed, to develop and find closure and resolution, guiding you into the realm of past wounds and traumas, by reconnecting with your Inner Child, Inner Lover and Inner Goddess/God and for reconstructing healthy boundaries.

Story teller

As a Story teller I bring you the balm and medicine gift of the Healer archetype. Therefore, here you can find not only my personal story into healing arts and womb trauma therapy but also tools and skills to build a sacred path in your own journey.

DoTerra welness advocate

As a DoTerra welness advocate I recommend the use of essential oils for different purposes to improve your wellbeing and harmonious living. I use them often in my home, as natural remedies for emergency situation of family members but also for rituals and ceremonies.

Trauma healing is the only real and deep context that can help any human to transcend and find fulfillment, happiness, freedom and peace.

So you can become the

Homo Luminous (Woman or Man Universalis)

you are meant to be!