My Story

I am a daughter, a sister, a special mother (of a very special child), a sacred Womb & Heart.

Irini Hara

My Story

I am a daughter, a sister, a special mother (of a very special child), a sacred Womb & Heart.

Irini Hara

I am a daughter, a sister, a special mother (of a very special child), a sacred Womb & Heart.

I was born in 1975 in Romania, under the sign of Capricorn, with Ascendant in Leo and the Moon in Pisces.

Since 2001 I traveled the world and experience new countries and cultures. I have already lived and worked in 4 countries, in 2016 the journey of life brought me to Norway.

I am a scientist and researcher by profession (a PhD in 2003) working on cultural heritage assets for more than 22 years, but by vocation I am an educator and a medicine woman. In many circumstances I can add the curiosity and methods of the researcher life to the taste for sharing knowledge and healing skills from a holistic perspective.

My journey into healing and creative arts started in 2014, when I received an initiation in Inca shamanism in the Romanian mountains, during a retreat. It was 1 year after my only son was born, and it came as a wake-up call into exploring motherhood and womanhood on several levels, never considered before, and also creating space for something different in my life.

My son got an ASD diagnose in 2018, a label that many children who are different in their own development receive nowadays. The start of the journey into motherhood has been tough and challenging, but with time I learned a lot and found tools and knowledge to support other mothers and parents in similar situations.

I believe that life and my guides brought me to Norway to support my son as much as possible, while I am learning to take care of myself as a woman too. Motherhood obliged me to screen myself and see where I was failing in this role and how I could transform my wounds into gifts to be used for him and for the others.

I did not know when I came to Norway that here I will have to look again into the past and connect with my roots. And that by doing that I was about the learn how to heal my traumas and support others heal too.

In the North of Europe the Ancestors met and spoke to me and they asked me to be ready for a deeper journey towards my Center – my Heart.

Since 2017 I grew on a deeper level of self-exploration into the Womb space, by accessing my own trauma biography and healing past traumas. It happened in parallel with discovering skills, talents and tools to guide and mentor other people, while organizing Women circles and other personal development workshops.

I love to write, teach, dance, sing, drum, paint, create, explore nature and all other connections with living beings of this wonderful world. And two of my most beautiful and surprising skills are energy reading and storytelling, both being excellent means to provide healing and harmony to any situation.

And today, when you connect with me through this website, I wish to welcome you in a multidimensional journey to your Source, where you can meet your deepest wishes and find new tools and techniques to help you become the most authentic and healthy version of Yourself.

Welcome my Dear One, to another step or cycle in your life, where new doors can open inside Yourself to make you shine and grow more in the outer world.

Be ready to leave behind outdated versions of You and to transform your life to a high degree.

Blessings of light and love,
Irini Hara