My experience as apprentice or student

My experience as apprentice or student

For more than 12 years, I followed several healing practices in Italy, Portugal and Norway, where I could learn more about mindfulness, coaching, meditation, embodiment, astrology, numerology, Human Design, crystal therapy, art and trauma therapy, somatic therapy, family constellations, sound healing, circling, dancing (Biodanza and 5 rythms), divination with cards, dowsing, essential oils and holistic cleansing techniques.

Among the many workshops and trainings I did or followed in the past 12 years, I wish to highlight:

  • 6-month training (June-November 2024) as Priestess of Sacred Sound with Elsa Field from Myrtle Grove Mystery School,;
  • 3-day CPD trainings (October 2022 and March 2023) in the use of tuning forks, massage and other tools for womb healing – certificates released by Angie Twydall from Sanctuary of Sofia, (, Glastonbury, England;
  • 2-year advanced training (2020-2022) in trauma therapy at IoPT ( with the Intention method promoted by Franz Rupert, Norway;
  • 2-year international training (2018-2020) in family constellation and art therapy with Pia Kalhof (Norway,;
  • 2-year training (2019-2021) in shamanism (Brazilian and Peruvian traditions) with two medicine women from Portugal (;
  • a 4-days retreat entitled Diving deep – Rising High, guided by Mieke Anthuenis ( and Emmi Mutale (, Belgium, 2019;
  • 21-days online Vision Quest with Mary Magdalene under the guidance of Seren and Azra Bertrand (authors of Biomancy school and of Womb Awakening system), 2018;
  • half of a year in a weekly group of shamanic journeys guided by the Sami medicine woman Jorunn Flaata (trained by Sami shaman Ailo Gaup), Oslo, Norway, 2018;
  • 7-weeks workshop Tiger Love with psychotherapist Uma Armengol and 4-days retreat (Into the Receptive Female Power) also run by her in Finland, 2017;
  • 1-day workshop on Management of the Creativity and Innovation, NERE, Evora, Portugal, 2016;
  • Toastmasters program, Division D, Evora Club (University of Evora), Portugal (twice a month meetings), 2015-2016;
  • 1-week retreat in Inca and Romanian shamanism, under the guidance of 2 medicine women, Manuela Andrei and Anda Ciobanu, Romania (Voronet), 2014;
  • 3 levels course (from 7 levels) in astrology with Joao Medeiros (, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012;
  • 1-week workshop of personal development (Catalisadores) with Daniel Sa Nogueira, Setubal, Portugal, 2012.