Sacred storytelling & game of stones

This workshop combines the Healer’s skills of telling stories with a shamanic game of stones to connect and heal the ancestral lineage.

Sacred storytelling & game of stones

This workshop combines the Healer’s skills of telling stories with a shamanic game of stones to connect and heal the ancestral lineage.

Each workshop will have a duration of 4-5h, and will be performed in presence or online. Minimum number of participant is 4, maximum 12.

The workshop invites the participants to create their own Hero or Heroine journey through different tools and exercises, done individually and with the whole group. Each participant will collect, prior the workshop, 15 stones or crystals to represent the energies of the lineage from mother and father side (4 generations will be represented, including the own energy).

Through meditation, shamanic journeying, constellation exercises and creative expression the participants will be guided to connect with the energies of their own lineage, to understand their inheritance in terms of wounding, traumas, beliefs and to transform the negative patterns and energies into positive behaviors, beliefs and outcomes.

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