Sound healing sessions

A sound healing session is an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, where the client can unplug from external stimuli and focus inward.

Sound healing sessions

A sound healing session is an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, where the client can unplug from external stimuli and focus inward.

Since 2024 I am offering individual sessions of sound healing using several instruments I have aquired along the years, my Voice and also energy scanning, sacred geometry energy grids and reiki touch. These sessions can also be done online with some adaptations.

These healing tools have a specific structure and they are tailored according the needs and intention that the client brings to the session. I create and open sacred space inviting all energies and protectors or guides that wish to be present, then I do an energetic cleansing and scan the body of the person with a set of 8 tuning forks (weighted and unweighted) to see energetic blockages and work on them either introducing or extracting energy. Next, I guide a shamanic journey using a drum or another shamanic instrument (rattle, chimes) and I continue with a sound journey blending light codes and voice (sacred chants, shamanic songs, humming) with instruments (Hathor crystal chalice, elemental chimes, rain sticks, Tibetan bowls, rattles, womb lyre, tommelpiano etc.), essential oils anointment and energy sprays.

I end the session with a prayer and closing the sacred space and then I leave the person integrate the experience for around 10 min. If there is time I could offer a short reading of cards (3-5 spread) to enhance the insights and messages received from the session.

There is no pre-requisite needed to attend the session, come without expectations but formulate an intention for healing and release of stuck energies. After the session will be important to pay attention to the body signs and hydrate it very well and also allow more rest and integration to happen.

The benefits of a session of sound healing are numerous. The sounds created with a special intention and specific instruments with attuned vibration and frequency can generate in the body movements and activations that can help cleanse the physical, emotional, mental and psychological blocks. The sacred sound bath can also help release stress, anxiety, trauma-induced blockages, support healing of depressive, fatigue and chronic pain states, improve sleep quality, focus and memory functioning. According the scientific research, the sound frequency lower the breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure, contributing thus to strengthening of immunity and calmness in the body.

A sound healing session is an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, where the client can unplug from external stimuli and focus inward. During the session the person can also get insights about situations and issues in its life and how to approach them more effectively.

Warm welcome!