Mental Health Coaching
As a trauma therapist and family constellations facilitator I offer coaching and mentorship programmes in the area of mental health.
Mental Health Coaching
As a trauma therapist and family constellations facilitator I offer coaching and mentorship programmes in the area of mental health.

As a trauma therapist and family constellations facilitator I offer coaching and mentorship programmes in the area of mental health. The classical approach involves 10 sessions (1.5h each) along 6-7 months (usually 2 sessions/month) where I map the trauma biography of the client and we establish a plan of action.
For these programmes I blend my unique skills, intuition, experience and certified training knowledge to assist the client in his or her own journey towards better clarity, more wellbeing and long-term healing from traumas. I thus combine trauma therapy (IoPTmethod) with family constellations and art therapy complementing with guided meditations, various mindful and embodiment practices (breathing, movement, postures, essential oils), exercises to calm the nervous system and womb-welness practices. We approach the different aspects of ancestral (transgenerational) trauma, the womb trauma and survival strategies towards the recovery of healthy Identity and boundaries, the healing of unhealthy behaviors and thought patterns, the release of emotional baggage (shame, grief, anger, pain). We also work on symptoms or diseases and relationship issues for improving the connection with the body and mind and creating better conditions for connecting with others.
A special attention is addressed to parents and particularly mother of kids with special needs (ASD; ADHD, Asperger etc) as I have a long term experience with women world and womb healing. Being myself a mother of a kid with ASD, I have been on a life-long journey towards self-empowerment and I have connected with many specialists and other parents in similar situations. For who is interested to also explore sessions of therapy for their own kids I also propose the IoPT (identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy) method, that has proven to be very effective also for special needs and non-verbal kids and teenagers.
Besides the coaching and consultancy I can offer, I also host a Podcast Autism on 360 degrees where I invite parents and therapists or other people with experience in this field to be my guests.
Warm welcome!