Family & Systemic constellations

Family Constellations is an alternative form of therapy involving a group of people who come together, seated in a circle, offering their awareness and presence for energetic movements to take place.

Family & Systemic constellations

Family Constellations is an alternative form of therapy involving a group of people who come together, seated in a circle, offering their awareness and presence for energetic movements to take place.

Developed by the psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in the 1990’s, Family Constellations is an alternative form of therapy involving a group of people who come together, seated in a circle, offering their awareness and presence for energetic movements to take place.

Hellinger discovered that people’s lives were extensively controlled by hidden dynamics. But these dynamics can be brought to light and a new path is opening for resolution and healing. This approach has evolved throughout the years from «The Movement of The Soul» to «The Movement of the Spirit Mind» to «The Spiritual Constellation».

These movements are possible when we move beyond judgements of good and bad, beyond judgements of right and wrong, beyond judgements of ourselves and everyone in our family, and beyond the fear of how others might judge us.

The morphic field allows then the opening of a strong healing energy towards all that supports love and life. Love can flow freely and it can help us to take steps towards a happier and a more healthy and fulfilled life.

Family Constellations are based on the subconscious energetic connections between generations and family members and when these patterns or issues are unveiled a new awareness and healing is brought to the whole system. So different health, relationship or work questions can found resolution and more clarity, creating an opening for healing of our deepest wounds.

When it is not possible to have a group of people (in presence or online) the constellator can also work with lego figures or other objects as substitutes for people.

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