
The contents displayed on this website are copyright of Irini Hara at Image credits are given to Emma D’Elba, Margarida Paiva, and Paulina Szemraj.

As a therapist and shamanic healer I follow specific ethical guidelines and confidentiality rules. You will be asked to sign a Consent form where this information is provided, prior our session, with specifications for online or in presence session.

I do not prescribe pills or any other traditional treatment for any disease. I provide support, guidance and counseling to those asking for, but consider that at all times, your healing and decisions affecting your life is your responsibility.

I do not advise you to discontinue any medical treatment you may be receiving.

When you book an appointment with me, you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and of sound mental capacity, and you agree to the following:

“The information provided in our sessions is intended for your general personal and spiritual development, and is an expression of opinion, not a legal, medical, or psychological advice. You accept full personal and legal responsibility for your own life choices. You are encouraged to make your own decisions regardless of any information or interpretation that I may convey.  I will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions made by you based on information or practice provided during our session”.