
Free eBooks:

  • Stories of a Modern Mary M
  • On Womb Trauma
  • A handbook of Womb rituals


Free eBooks:

  • Stories of a Modern Mary M
  • On Womb Trauma
  • A handbook of Womb rituals

Stories of a Modern Mary M

This is an e-book that was written in pandemic times and speaks about my own trauma healing processes, aiming to inspire other women to do the inner work. It is a honest and raw testimonial of inner struggles and progress into the journey of life. It shows that inner freedom and happiness can only be achieved after battling inner demons and conquering our shadows.

On Womb Trauma

This is an ebook inspired from a thesis that I wrote for the final exam for the advanced training of trauma therapy (IoPT method created by Franz Ruppert) delivered in Spring 2022 at the IoPT institute in Oslo, Norway.

It speaks about the Womb trauma concept between the therapeutical approach and the embodied spiritual practice. It is also a way to inform and raise awareness about the complexity of Womb trauma and suggest modalities for healing it.

Remember, the wounding did not start with us, but we can be the catalyzer for a whole generational line healing, starting with ourselves

A handbook of Womb rituals

This e-book is the sum of several years of working with women circles and rituals. It contains general guidelines for Womb rituals and also New Moon and full Moon rituals for all the year. You can follow them or just adapt according your own intention and circumstances. In case a month has 2 New Moons, you can also repeat a ritual from another month.

This Handbook will guide you into a deeper connection with your Womb and its energies. You can complement the ritual practices with the cards messages or spreads from the Mary Magdalene Womb Oracle also described here (under Creative Projects).