Why I do not believe in past lives and similar concepts

Why I do not believe in past lives and similar concepts

As usual I went into another debate lately because of this past life concept that in my opinion is a construct to aliment disconnection and survival strategies stemming from trauma.
I think it is time that I clarify why do not believe in this misconstruction. And before you jump to any conclusion and start to blame me, rather read and try to figure this out for yourself. I have to say it might trigger some angry (or even denial) reaction in you…because there is some truth behind my words that you either are not ready to listen to or you just do not want to.
What exactly is a past life first of all?
“Past Life Experiences can be defined as reported experiences of oneself as a particular person (other than one’s current life identity) in a previous time or life. This spontaneous overlay of identity may be recurrent and persistent for children between the ages of 24 to 60 months, but does not deny their current identity“ argues a psychologist who did some research about this.
“Research published in Psychology and Psychotherapy examined the psychological characteristics of children reporting past-life memories and found that they scored higher on dimensions of daydreaming, attention-seeking and dissociation than children without such memories, but not on suggestibility. The dissociation they experienced was also not at a clinically concerning level“. You can check more on this here.
Now, lets get back to my own theory about this concept. I am not sure to which extent those who researched this and then published had some notion of trauma or how psycho-trauma is produced and what are the survival strategies and how they manifest. But this research uses terms as dissociation, daydreaming, attention seeking that are part of the trauma vocabulary too.
My theory, based on my lectures, experiences and own path into trauma recovery through different forms of therapy, showed to me that people who had severe traumatization (often we speak of multiple and overlapped layers of trauma of identity, trauma of love, sexual trauma and so on) since early time (also starting in the womb) and come from a lineage with lots of abuse and trauma too, will have a higher tendency to adopt beliefs and concepts that are comfortable to their own constructs that represents a defense mechanism against the harsh truth (meaning they suffered traumatization and this impacted on long term their own life and wellbeing in a negative way). These constructs most of the times are not originally theirs, but borough from mainstream Asian spiritual movements and sometimes even justified with New Age forms of practice or spiritual belief. It is a way to say: I can justify what I feel (pain, fear, despair, anger, shame etc.) and the hard fate I have experienced in this lifetime with a past life behavior or happening that tends to replicate in this lifetime (often you also hear the concept of karma and dharma, as you have to pay for your debts from past life too or get rewards for good deeds). I can find thus a justification for my own inability to cope with the pain and all the other emotions and just suppress/repress them or go into the (false) positive mindset that I have to keep my frequency high at all costs and consider all that happened as fated.
You will ask me why I speak so? Because I was there, I also adopted the belief of past life at a certain point, I even made past life regressions, crystal dreaming and other methods to help retrieve those past life memories and recover from the discomfort I was feeling inside. But it did not work. Until I found trauma therapy and I started to search into my own psyche and found the clues for all the dissociation and disconnection I was in. Then those AHA moments came and with them all the new understanding I am also exposing here. Because I know the DIFFERENCE.
That is the real reason I write about this and with these kind of words. It is not because I try to offend someone but rather to provoke a deeper and different thought and also a critical approach. Do not fall into the trap of gurus and people who just wish to earn easy money promising you resolution of your present trauma by recovering them from past life. These people are also caught in their own dissociation and survival strategies.
I know the difference between a connected and disconnected state, I observed and worked with the connection with the body and mind for many years and I arrived at this conclusion. More we try to put aside the obvious and deny our own reality and what we carry or suppress inside the body (physical, mental and emotional), more we will meet disillusion and those trying to convince us about the supernatural propagation of trauma from past life to the present.
But, why should we spend or time and energy on those hypothetical past lives when we have here a life that requires our attention? Why should we run from finding the truth about ourselves and integrate the energies that have been in split because of traumatic events? Why should we consider that a past life concept can justify anything, even the abuses and trauma bonds we get entangled with in this lifetime because of our not-resolved traumas?
I let to you to answer to these questions, but know that the most important clue for this lifetime is not the past before you took life from your parents, but the beginning and development of this life from the conception to the present. There is so much that happened in this period and you do no recall it (you do not have explicit memory of it) that you actually benefit in knowing more than just being in absolute denial.
I hope you at least start to search more and read about this: TRAUMA (this lifetime ones) and less about PAST LIFE.
You will realize how little you know and how much is to be discovered and uncovered.
I wish you good luck! And a 2025 with new revelations about Yourself and your Life and good integration of healing processes (the real one, not the ones coming from a past life or more…).
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