The Womb of the Goddess
The Womb of the Goddess
The Womb of the Goddess
In the Womb of the Goddess
I nest my dreams and wants,
In the womb of the Goddess
I find comfort,
Peace and nourishment.
From the Womb of the Goddess
I take Life and Glory,
Sacred Space for my Voice.
From the Womb of the Goddess
I recreate my Inner Self
Giving Birth to the One
I always was.
To the One I learn to Love!
AHO! Blessed it be! ASHE!
Other articles on this blog:
Spiritual “Curriculum” & Inner Competences
I have meditated lately about my journey in life in the past years, especially since 2008 when I move from Italy to Portugal. It was an intense journey, with many ups and downs, with many useful insights on my own life purpose and evolution as Woman Universalis.
In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree
Our pain can be our best teacher
There was a quote somewhere (I do not remember where) saying that you can awaken spiritually because of pain if not because of other reasons.