The Womb of the Goddess
The Womb of the Goddess
The Womb of the Goddess
In the Womb of the Goddess
I nest my dreams and wants,
In the womb of the Goddess
I find comfort,
Peace and nourishment.
From the Womb of the Goddess
I take Life and Glory,
Sacred Space for my Voice.
From the Womb of the Goddess
I recreate my Inner Self
Giving Birth to the One
I always was.
To the One I learn to Love!
AHO! Blessed it be! ASHE!
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The syndrome of boiling frog
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The Spark
I was listening to a lecture given by a Portuguese astrologer I know personally and I also admire for his analyses and predictive capability. He was speaking about the year 2022 and the future of the society and civilization, which find itself at a kind of crossroads.