The Womb of the Goddess
The Womb of the Goddess
The Womb of the Goddess
In the Womb of the Goddess
I nest my dreams and wants,
In the womb of the Goddess
I find comfort,
Peace and nourishment.
From the Womb of the Goddess
I take Life and Glory,
Sacred Space for my Voice.
From the Womb of the Goddess
I recreate my Inner Self
Giving Birth to the One
I always was.
To the One I learn to Love!
AHO! Blessed it be! ASHE!
Other articles on this blog:
All eyes on Trauma… but where is the real content?
Working with your traumas, especially the big ones, might bring you to your knees in understanding how much you ignored and fooled yourself. But on a long run will help you become whole and healthy, with a new awareness about yourself and the others, about the whole world and its own failing structures and toxic manifestations.
Are you Spiritual?
If you believe in past lives and how old your Soul might be, why should you not believe in the fact that along this life (the only one that can be proved as you are living it) you experienced so many things that your own memory cannot hold, so your brain shuts down to cope with the heaviness of this unknown past.
The BIAS of being right or wrong
The BIAS is in the Mind, the Fear and Avoidance are in the Body to show us what Trauma brought on the surface. When we avoid speaking, looking into or understanding Trauma as part of our journey through life, we generate BIAS as an excuse for what we are not ready or not wish to face in a honest way.