The Turtles and the Monkeys

Now They are ready to give Birth again to something new and beautiful, a new Way of being Here and Now, as it should be.

The Turtles and the Monkeys

Now They are ready to give Birth again to something new and beautiful, a new Way of being Here and Now, as it should be.

There is a ladder from the Mother Earth leading to the Father Sky. And on this ladder the Turtles are moving slowly but steadily toward the Light. The load they carry proudly is not only their home, the protective shell, but also hundreds of years of histories, experiences and knowledge. They are wise and although they move so slowly, they know where to go. They know that time has come.

They came from many places, They tasted the waters of many seas and oceans, They were hidden to give birth in many lands and coasts. They saw the life and world unfolding into the Cycle from birth to death and then again to birth, like in a Spiral. And They are here again to see the Light and show it to the others.

They know how is to live in darkness, to feel the pain and doubt, to fear and struggle in hard times but still…They have a lot of hope and wishes to fulfill. They thread into the Wisdom’s wheel and in the nights of shadow They blessed their many untold stories with drops of Blood and Tears.
They knew about the Monkeys, the story once was spread and now is lived and shared around the World.

The Monkeys lived on an Island and ate the fruits of Mother Earth as any other primates. But then they were taught to clean the fruits before the meal and this became a habit. And then the habit spread around in other islands as the waves made by a stone thrown away into the water.

The Turtles learned from the Monkeys to do the same…to feed their Heart with Truths and Fruits from Earth’s Womb. And then to teach about the Sacred Temple and Space into the daily life.

Now They are ready to give Birth again to something new and beautiful, a new Way of being Here and Now, as it should be. In Circle they will meet and share what they have learned and saw. And from the Circle’s Heart They will spread seeds of Love, Wisdom and Trust and wait to see them sprout and grow into the Consciousness.
To end and start again the Circle, They will Celebrate in a Co-creation Act the Joy of Life, the Nature’s Flow and Commonly-Shared Abundance.

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