The syndrome of boiling frog

Do not allow yourself to be less than human that is able to judge and thing with his or her own brain a certain situation or information.

The syndrome of boiling frog

Do not allow yourself to be less than human that is able to judge and thing with his or her own brain a certain situation or information.

After 1 year of experiencing the ups and downs (epidemiological cycles as in all cases of life threating outbreaks) of this C-virus game, we all have figured out that many things that we are told should be a certain way are not working to our benefit and that are still so many uncertainties and variable at stake that even the scientists, doctors and governments involved are puzzled by their own evaluations and decisions.

Despite all odds, the virus continues to propagate, to mutate, to become more aggressive and even to lead to loss of life in those who are weaker (not only from a health status point of view, but also socially and culturally…try to figure out the connection in between).

And what are we, humans, doing?

Just getting used to the syndrome of the boiling frog. That means that we became so tired of the bad news, of the threatening statistics, the lock down measures and the lack of progress in what a real solution would bring (now vaccines are produces but most of them are preventive so not so useful for dealing in the middle of the pandemics) that we give up our own authority and judgement and intuition to accept whatsoever others (especially the so called authorities) serve us as a measure/restriction, hope or preventive solution.

The process of getting into the boiling frog syndrome started slowly. First we had to confine ourselves, to disconnect and isolate for quite a long period. Then masks and spraying with alcohol surfaces and hands were advised. Often people actually forget (or maybe they did not know – because nobody told them) that more we sterilize our environment (and eventually the whole planet) more the viruses and other germs that will survive will become stronger and stronger, so even more threatening to our life. Actually this pandemics is a good example of how deteriorated our ecosystem/Planet is and all this because of the harmful actions of human kind and the abuse of its resources.

Next, experimental vaccines, without any guarantee that are really working (actually some already generated severe consequences in those who accepted to be inoculated) are proposed and soon probably we will be invited to take forcibly the vaccine if we wish to travel, go to work or even to the doctor! A passport of vaccination is already on the international agenda for those wishing to travel.
So what the next step will be? We can imagine some scenarios, but for sure many other things can happen by then…and for sure that the water will reach the boiling points and the frog will succumb.

So, how are we going to prevent this syndrome or get out of it?

First, do not allow yourself to be a frog that needs water as a natural environment. Do not allow yourself to be less than human that is able to judge and thing with his or her own brain a certain situation or information. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated to the extent that you lose yourself in the midst of this psychosis.

Second, consider that, if by chance you get into a boiling pot, you still have capability to jump out of the heating water when you notice the temperature raising. Gather all your forces and get out as soon as you can! Try to imagine that outside the pot there is a better environment and life. Believe in yourself and in your ability to change your own reality with your thought and motivation. Practice peace of mind, mindful self-gratification and self-care acts that can keep you healthy and focused on what matters, not on the outer noise and chaos.

Third, remember that the frog in a boiling pot is just an experiment that outer circumstances and forces are trying to do with you. So, avoid those situations that look like this, by staying centered in what is good for you, aware that other people are not your enemies or potential spreaders of a virus just because they exist and breathe. Breathe freely, connect with nature, take vitamins and everything that helps boost your immunity, embrace trees and other people, speak to people, be kind, be grateful for being alive. If you are an expert in any of these areas – a health coach, mental care specialist or just a therapist, researcher, immunologist etc. – take a step forward and advise people around you with your expertise and knowledge from an open heart. Do not be afraid to show them there are options and the fear can be overcome consciously.

This is just a metaphor, but it is so obvious that most of us are acting like frogs in a boiling pot and soon we might be very close to an end (be it physically or just mentally). If you choose to jump out of the pot as long as there is time, let other people know about the danger and show them the gain in doing this in order to save their own life and integrity as human being.

Wishing you a wonderful spring, I really hope that will not consider getting a frog on your own and treat it so poorly by boiling him/her slowly. For sure, you would not like to be in his or her shoes.

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