The Spark

That Spark I was speaking about is the inspiration and motivation we can all carry inside and re-ignite it in the most difficult situations.

The Spark

That Spark I was speaking about is the inspiration and motivation we can all carry inside and re-ignite it in the most difficult situations.

I was listening to a lecture given by a Portuguese astrologer I know personally and I also admire for his analyses and predictive capability. He was speaking about the year 2022 and the future of the society and civilization, which find itself at a kind of crossroads.

One of the things he was speaking about as a NEED of the present state of the world and humanity is Spiritual education.
There are so many trends, gurus and practices nowadays in the spiritual realm that actually would be difficult to even understand what this concept of Spiritual education is and why we need it.

Should we speak about spiritual values, contents and theory vs practice approaches? And Who are the spiritual educators of the days we live in? How reliable are they, how do we evaluate their own offerings and authenticity?

Let s then start with the main question – WHY do we need a spiritual education? And then we can try to question how do we get it and from or with whom.

My answer to the Why is coming from the reality I see around me…most of people went into an automatic way of living, giving up their own power and discernment. They just accept whatsoever is told, disseminated, sold, offered that gives immediate comfort and awards. It is much easier to be in line to the shop of surrogate gratification and living, than to create a path just for yourself in the midst of chaos and disintegration to be able to maintain your integrity and sovereignty. It is much easy to believe that there is a reason for your suffering or discomfort or bad luck because in a past life you created some bad karma that you need to pay off in this life.
I tried to understand why people take always the road that is easier and sometimes with shortcuts to get what they want. It is something that always brings more questions around the present state of the world.

I believe it is a process of customization, not only culturally but also socially and politically. We get accustomed with something, even the worse scenario (as it is this Covid-issue we have nowadays…I do not mention the whole name but probably you understand what is all about, or maybe now I have to use the OMic…abbreviation) and then we try to create our own belief and identity and behavior around it. Because we have been programmed to adjust ourselves and create a survival mechanism.

Adjusting and surviving is the opposite of re-inventing and re-creating a living condition. Humanity almost forgot that actually the Human Being is the most complex and ingenious Sapiens in the whole history…more we added centuries and technologies to our civilization more we seem to forget that there is a special Spark inside each of us that gives us the potential to become a God or Goddess, to express the infinitudes we are able of.
And here I come back to the Why, as this Spark is the real focus of this question. We, humankind, need to revive this Spark to remember how it is to have it inside us and where can lead us once we follow the call.
How do we become that God and Goddess is the second logical question. would not be enough to just be Human? But what happens when the conditions we live in lead to de-humanization? Would a powerful God or Goddess help or save us from extinction?

That Spark I was speaking about is the inspiration and motivation we can all carry inside and re-ignite it in the most difficult situations. We can all find this precious resource if we wish, if we decide it is time to make our own effort and path into the chaos and darkness. It is about re-connecting with our Essence, with the authentic belief that we are masters of our own life. This re-connection requires honesty and courage. As it will take us into the realm of the past, where many ghosts and hidden skeletons still hide. This re-connection is made inside our body, following its signals and symptoms or sensations…and in most of the cases requires someone to help us in doing it and following the process that evolves from this points forwards.

And here I start to speak about Spiritual Embodiment as Spiritual Education. Where we need to practice what we preach, to humble ourselves, to get out of the bias and manipulation of the mind. We need to come to terms to what our basic needs are and if they were and are still met. We need to sink into the heart space and listen what is there and needs to be seen and revealed. And many times we need to remember the old stories of the womb (our womb, if women, our mothers womb, our lineage wombs…) so we do not forget where we come from and what we carry inside from those stories.

And as Educators for this Embodied Spirituality the majority of them are Women, or Womb-carriers. They need to trust and follow to this calling, as their mission is so important – and it starts with the Conception act. It is in this simple act of Embodiment of the Loving fusion between the God and Goddess specimens that we find again that Spark…the infinite potential each new egg ready for implantation and transformation inside the sacred container the Womb is, into a fetus and later a complete human being. It is through act of birth their Womb manifest this potential into action and through the act of raising and educating the Sprout into adulthood that this potential further expands towards Co-creation and Empowerment.

I am a Woman, a Womb, a Heart…and I feel I have a sacred call just by being Me and experimenting motherhood as a real mother of a child or as a spiritual mentor for other people. I make a practice and a vow to embody spirituality through my words, acts and intentions.

And I ask you today if you are ready to embody inside your consciousness and authentic Self the same mission as Human and Divine Being: educating others by your own example and re-invention process, by re-connecting intimately with that Spark that you carry inside and that multiplied and added to many other Sparks can fuel the Fire able to purify and regenerate the world we live in. You are needed, and together we are invited to surrender to this Fire, to its alchemical transformation.

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