The BIAS of being right or wrong

The BIAS is in the Mind, the Fear and Avoidance are in the Body to show us what Trauma brought on the surface. When we avoid speaking, looking into or understanding Trauma as part of our journey through life, we generate BIAS as an excuse for what we are not ready or not wish to face in a honest way.

The BIAS of being right or wrong

The BIAS is in the Mind, the Fear and Avoidance are in the Body to show us what Trauma brought on the surface. When we avoid speaking, looking into or understanding Trauma as part of our journey through life, we generate BIAS as an excuse for what we are not ready or not wish to face in a honest way.

I went through several situations with people who do not want to listen to what I bring as arguments when I speak about disease, symptoms or disorders as manifestations of trauma (most of them early psycho-trauma) and I wonder where is the BIAS – mine as knowing something from experience and practice that not many know or others who pretend to know on topics they do not understand or wish to get deeper into because is more comfortable and politically correct to accept the official version or explanation?

It is tricky to find out the answer as I am not the one who follows orthodox patterns of thinking or approaching difficult topics…I am used to challenge the obvious or what is thought to be right, to try to see beyond what is in the main stream or prophesized as absolute truth and search into the Why and How. I am anyway logical and scientific in my approach to hot or tabu topics and since I got into trauma-work and trauma-related readings I find it even more necessary to speak based on real (not invented) facts, research results when available and also testimonials or publications of people who can be considered experts. I am myself a trauma survivor and I still work in healing from the past…while working with other people in similar situations.

I am always surprised to see how many people declare themselves trauma-informed without a real knowledge of what exactly trauma is and how it manifests, what are the long term consequences of it.

And I see the BIAS when people claim that my words or arguments are non-sense knowing they even do not understand how a trauma therapy process works or how much themselves carry traumas inside their psyche…it is the BIAS of stupid and brainwashing normalization, of accepting truths that the systems sells to us with the label of THIS IS HOW IT IS (meaning we know better anyway!; do not contest it or put under discussion). Somehow it reminds me of religious dogma translated into scientific or medical language…a certain external authority will try to impose its own mindset, proofs and practices without even opening the eye towards something different, in approach but also in the results. Because one, if really wants to recover and heal on deep levels, will see results and improvements in its own life…even when others and the system will argue there is no hope.

I also argued lately again several practices that are using psychedelics, as a way to recover or heal trauma and past wounding. And I retain I know what I was saying and why, as I was there myself, I used this kind of substances and they gave me something…but most of the time fragmented my psyche even more, where there was already severe fragmentation and disconnection. It shocks me that most of the people offering this kind of healing or treatments are not practicing or recommending psychotherapy or trauma therapy as an integration phase and in many cases the person that receives the sessions is not even informed about the counter-indications of these practices.

I wonder then why we normalize the BIAS of selling the illusion of healing by using methods and substances that reinforce the failure pattern that most of these practices display. Probably it has to do with survival strategies – those ways and coping excuses that people would rather invent than looking into the deep shit they find themselves for the cause of discomfort and pain.

There is no BIAS in this shit and the pain one can feel when connecting truly – but there is Fear and Avoidance of receiving the truth. The BIAS is in the Mind, the Fear and Avoidance are in the Body to show us what Trauma brought on the surface. When we avoid speaking, looking into or understanding Trauma as part of our journey through life, we generate BIAS as an excuse for what we are not ready or not wish to face in a honest way.

I decided I will not fuel the BIAS of others or even society or medical system just because they might think to be an authority. I created and developed my own authority by working with myself, experimenting with many methods and tools and researching into the causes of life situations and events. Anyone has this right to be in its own terms and limitations an authority if it has facts and proofs…but no one can argue that my truth is a Bias while his or her is not. Because our biographies and experiences and own evaluation of traumatic events are different, it does not mean there is not a common denominator…and this comes from the fact we are human beings and our own development follows common patterns (emotional, physical, psychological) and processes. The difference stays in the way we choose to understand, work with and spread the information about our findings and experiences, no matter how traumatic.

If you choose to be a Truth speaker and take yourself as example know you might be challenged to keep your thoughts for yourself sometimes if the audience is not ready to listen and accept or to risk to be blamed of BIAS just because you bring a different perspective and understanding.

Do not be afraid, it is always a gain in experience and know-how, next time you will get better arguments, proofs and testimonials and even a deeper understanding of yourself.

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