Spiritual “Curriculum” & Inner Competences
Spiritual “Curriculum” & Inner Competences
I have meditated lately about my journey in life in the past years, especially since 2008 when I move from Italy to Portugal. It was an intense journey, with many ups and downs, with many useful insights on my own life purpose and evolution as Woman Universalis.
My personal research intensified after my son was born in 2013, as his presence in my life brought new questions and situations, responsibilities and challenges never faced before. And as a single mother in many cases I had to tackle challenging situations at once. But I came stronger and more aware of who I am as a women and as a mother.
Since summer 2014, after I have received an initiation into the shamanism during a retreat in Romanian mountains, a new path opened to me into the Spiritual realm of knowledge and experience.
I have already experimenting a lot, from yoga (hatha and kundalini) to meditations techniques (kundalini, AUM, yogini), trancedance, Biodanza, 5rytmer, drum journeys, sweatlodges, ayahuasca and peyote ceremonies, coaching in astrology and card readings, circling, circles of women or other workshops and retreats.
I am not sure if all this can be defined as a Spiritual “Curriculum”. But for sure it was a deep and eye-opening research inside my Soul potentialities and into the dark sides of it.
I’ve travelled the Spiral into the darkness of the womb, awakening past trauma and all the anger and fears I could store there. It was overwhelming, it was scary, it was draining…to dance with Kali every time I needed to heal it was so BIG. And I was feeling big enough to tack on my shoulders and in my womb the unresolved past and shadow of so many, from so many past lives and generations.
In 2015 I was feeling completely stuck in my life, both personally and professionally. Unemployed, with a child to raise, with no clear vision on my and his future. And then I met this Wise Women and she spoke to me about Inner Competences, about how I can create myself if I get to know myself and get read of unnecessary patterns governing my life.
A window opened into my brain and for the first time I saw myself as Spiritual being and I started to dive into bringing to life these competences.
I still have a long journey in front of me, but now I do not have any more doubts about who I am as a Woman, as a Wise Soul, as a Sacred being able to access the true Light and Love, resourcing from the Great Spirit and Source of Life.
Many would call this Spiritual Awakening. For me it is the Journey of the Higher Self and it is not about waiting for the Spirit or the Light Creatures to come and bless me but inviting them in my life at all time I feel it is the right time and I need.
It is about knowing myself and understanding my own healing process, allowing to set clear and healthy boundaries with the world and people around me, accepting and embracing my strengths and weaknesses, manifesting my whole power and talents and skills.
And YOU, do you know your Inner Competences, do you manifest them fully in your Life? Are you aware of your own Spiritual Curriculum?
With love,
Irini Hara
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