
In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree


In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree

In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree
I carry shadows and lights
In small cells and knots
Full of stardust.
I am longing for the Deep,
I search for the Wide,
And I bring Myself heavy for
The Big encounter.
I could dig inside,
To make more space for
The Mirrors of Me,
The Layers of You.
But all I can see it is out:
The sky, the forest, the mountain,
And in between a bridge…
And inside me a window
Outside a ray of Sun
Dropping tears of Moon light down.
Could this be True?
Diving into the Breathing waters
Among the sky walkers
Talking to the Moon?
I am here, waiting…
I can find…
And I can start again.
Everything that ended returns to
Calm down the Fire and the Thirst!
I just became a Rainbow…

Other articles on this blog:



I have been meditating a lot lately on Healing and what this means for me and what the meaning is for other people too. I wish to share some considerations with you based on my own experience and interaction with persons (both women and men) looking for healing, for clarity and for fulfillment in their life.

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