
In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree


In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree

In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree
I carry shadows and lights
In small cells and knots
Full of stardust.
I am longing for the Deep,
I search for the Wide,
And I bring Myself heavy for
The Big encounter.
I could dig inside,
To make more space for
The Mirrors of Me,
The Layers of You.
But all I can see it is out:
The sky, the forest, the mountain,
And in between a bridge…
And inside me a window
Outside a ray of Sun
Dropping tears of Moon light down.
Could this be True?
Diving into the Breathing waters
Among the sky walkers
Talking to the Moon?
I am here, waiting…
I can find…
And I can start again.
Everything that ended returns to
Calm down the Fire and the Thirst!
I just became a Rainbow…

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The syndrome of boiling frog

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The Spark

The Spark

I was listening to a lecture given by a Portuguese astrologer I know personally and I also admire for his analyses and predictive capability. He was speaking about the year 2022 and the future of the society and civilization, which find itself at a kind of crossroads.

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