Our pain can be our best teacher

Be prepared to put aside all the outdated versions of who you knew you are…

Our pain can be our best teacher

Be prepared to put aside all the outdated versions of who you knew you are…

There was a quote somewhere (I do not remember where) saying that you can awaken spiritually because of pain if not because of other reasons. I know a lot about pain, both physical and also psychological, as very early in my life I spent many days in hospitals and medical visits because of a wrong diagnose put on my heart and later on my belly. And from my own experience I can say that my own Pain was one of the best and more truthful teachers I ever had.

I remember myself struggling to understand why all the suffering and pain I endured along my life. What I did not know but now I do, is that my body and psyche had a lot of early trauma and even generational trauma carried in my cells, womb and DNA. This is something I have learned in the past 5years, when I started to do inner work and healing on much deeper layers. I knew when I started that this work will get deeper and deeper, but not yet sure how much…indeed it was a hell of a ride in my most deep shit, shadows, fears and murky patterns. And it is not finished, it feels sometimes I barely touched the point of an iceberg…more to be revealed, seen, accepted and released.

After I have been to the most darkest and shitty spaces of my own psyche what I can tell you is that I do not take anymore bias and gaslighting and manipulation from anyone. And I am not afraid to tell you that all this hard work pays off, if you are courageous enough to embarque on this journey. It can be a rollercoaster and stormy journey, it might lead you to places where you avoided to go for many years. It opens a Pandora box with so many opportunities for growth and healing…once you decide for it.

Be prepared to put aside all the outdated versions of who you knew you are…to leave behind identifications, understand projections and mirroring with other people and accept less perfect but more authentic behaviors and choices in your life.

This is what Pain can teach you: to not fear getting into the Eye of the inner Storm, to surf the wave of emotional turmoil and get back to the shore to find inner peace after many ups and downs of this surfing…you need to find a strong belt to secure you when the shaking, crying and wild screaming is happening. Because you will have to do it – to shout it out, to shake it out, to dye and be reborn many times. Your own sense of safety and trust will be shaken and you will be challenged to your most intimate core to surrender to these Waves and Storms. Once you surrender everything will start to fall into place again with a renewed sense of Being and Belonging. You will find your center and smooth sailing of the life s waters will become possible. But first you will have to accept this Pain, to embrace it, to feel it in the deepest fibers, to explore all its shades and shapes. You will thus start to re-write the script of your Life for a new cycle or phase to begin.

Are you Ready indeed???

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