Because Healing is about bringing together the scattered pieces and fragments of our Soul.


Because Healing is about bringing together the scattered pieces and fragments of our Soul.

I have been meditating a lot lately on Healing and what this means for me and what the meaning is for other people too. I wish to share some considerations with you based on my own experience and interaction with persons (both women and men) looking for healing, for clarity and for fulfillment in their life.

Alberto Villoldo, a spiritual guide that I admire a lot, says that to cure is the job of doctors (physicians), while to heal is the job of shamans (or medicine people).

I do not see healing as a job or work, but rather as a vocation and also as a process that once started will never ends. And is very difficult to me to think about healing as a business activity that can give profit to someone practicing healing arts. Because when someone accepts to be a channel for healing energies, that person is at service in two ways: as a channel from Spirit or what I would rather call a wider, bigger and higher energy flow and also as a guide able to make people receiving this energy flow understand the benefits of it and also how this flow can actually be used by themselves in several circumstances. Because when healing energies knock at our Soul door, we have two options: to accept the call and open ourselves to a complex and many times difficult process (that can actually be compared with the opening of a Pandora box), or to run away and continue in the same patterns and life challenges as before.

Healing is not something that you can order from a menu of options like food in a restaurant, but it can present you methods, tools and people who can guide you in the process and path.

Personally, when I search for someone to guide me in the process I am very careful. I first set my own intention to find someone and then my energy starts to attract different kind of people and guides. And as a first selection criterion, I usually try to avoid those who claim: I CAN HEAL YOU!

Because I strongly believe that No one heals nobody, as we all have the potential to heal ourselves. But most of us do not know WHERE to start. In most of the cases we only start to open to healing processes and energies when we arrive to our limits of supportation of situations and challenges, when we touched the bottom line and it looks like there is no point of return. When the healing path looks like the best and only option among the symptoms and challenges of the darkest night of the Soul.

The second criterion would be your own ability to answer to the question: how ready and available are you for a deep process?

Because real healing cannot be superficial, cannot be just a small talk around some ghosts and dusty memories from childhood. Real healing requires courage, truthfulness to yourself and most of all…a lot of Love! Love for yourself and for your own life! a such a deep and truthful Love that hurts to be felt…and this pain can actually fuel that alchemical process that healing can be.

So, again, I advise you to not trust those who will present you easy ways of healing…a session now and then, a friendly talk around some events and feelings that marked your life, a miraculous potion or method that works by night. Sometimes healing can happen in few minutes or hours, but actually to get there something needs to be built over years to create the opening for the miracle.

Healing can include coaching tools and wisdom, but needs to be deeper than just that. Because healing is not a Mega-Objective that you will attain after 100h of marching or driving with a high or moderate speed on a highway. Healing cannot be controlled and rationalized. It is something that your Soul needs, and as being your Soul has first to recompose the puzzle, to gather the fragments that were scattered by difficult and traumatic life events.

And there is no straight direction to follow for getting healed, as each of us is different and had lived different situations and in different conditions. So each of us is unique in his or her own healing pattern and path.

And each of us needs to listen to his or her own wishes and wisdom, from the deep core of the wounds and traumas kept in the body, in all the layers a body can have.
Because Healing is about bringing together the scattered pieces and fragments of our Soul. But only when we merge the reality of the body with the one of the Soul, when we start to see our body as a container of something bigger, as a reflection of the Divine flow and love, we light something inside our Soul, like a candle or lantern creating in front of us a path of trust and courage to wish to know more, to receive more of this light, to become the love and happiness we dream to have in our life. This is where we need to start…go inward, feel our body, remember our past and search for questions and clues popping out as sensations, feelings, memories, mirrors and projections, obsessions, addictions, patterns, beliefs etc.

earn to search into your body and soul, to listen to all the messages you receive from them…and you will start to see the real You, the little child in need of healing, the wounded Masculine and Feminine searching each other in the midst of so many illusions and fears and fights, the Mother and Father and all of those behind them from whom you took Life.And when you will start to feel inside yourself, without effort and without self-imposition, the Gratitude for everything and everyone who crossed your path, be sure that you are on the right track, that healing is already happening.

Ask yourself today: how much I have healed and what else I can do for more healing?

And tomorrow decide what the next step should be. Because you can and you know what is true and useful to You. The Spirit and the Universe see you and send you the signs and helpers that are needed.

Your Soul knows too and is already waiting for the best version of you, the healed and complete You, the Full Circle. It might not be the most perfect, most beautiful, most charismatic version you can have in this life, but is the right one for you…welcome the future You and create this version with every breath and step you take.

So be it! AHO!

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