How to be an Outsider while inside this World (and its chaotic development)

I experienced lately a strange feeling of being in between situations and realities

How to be an Outsider while inside this World (and its chaotic development)

I experienced lately a strange feeling of being in between situations and realities

Norway and other countries started to re-impose restrictions again, the Vaccine Passport starts to be a reality and a reason for polemics and division between people, and many other things happening right now show us that the world is in a pivotal moment of change, the vortex of chaos and destruction is somehow intensifying every month.

I experienced lately a strange feeling of being in between situations and realities, trying to figure out if there is a way out or a way to cope with what is happening without getting the idea that I am weird, insane or getting crazy…because most of the people to whom I speak about my personal views on Omicron, pandemics, vaccines, true leadership, embodied spirituality and so on think that I am not living in this reality, that I come from another planet.

And so, the quest for me in this moment is to keep the center and not get overwhelmed with criticism, opposition, polarization, manipulation and abuse. Because I try to maintain a sense of humanity and integrity in the midst of chaos and misinformation, fueled by false pretension of knowing, by narrowness of consciousness and lack of connection with the true source of wisdom we all carry inside.

I tried lately to speak about what it means to live in this traumatizing and traumatized society and reality, inspired by the books I read from Franz Rupert and by movies with major specialists in the field of trauma, psychotherapy and personal development.
And I have met a lot of resistance and few people even laughed in my face saying that I am…a little bit alien or crazy to think like that. Where is all the trauma and its sources I speak about? How can we not trust the authorities and governments, is it because I have my own previous personal experience in a dictatorship regime?

I tried to speak about Omicron as a new name from an old movie, given to an Alien character and the first question that was thrown in my face was: So you do not believe that people are dying because of a virus?

It would take a long time to explain what I think about statistics and tests done nowadays around this virus(es) and pandemics and its hidden mechanisms and threads of manipulation and control. I could write many pages about the scientific, medical, psychological, societal, economical and other kind of implications and motivations of the present situation…and still would serve very little to the purpose to make people question the official version of the situation. It is actually very easy and probable that before I expose my theories and thoughts many would put the label on me: you are an Anarchist (which is quite true, something I have realized recently…and to be honest, I really feel comfortable with the label – and it is not because I experienced dictatorship in my life) or you are a Conspiracy theorist (or maybe terrorist).

So indeed, it is not an easy situation to be in. I can see many facets of the same situation but it starts to feel out of reach the potential to change the people mindset around what they believe it is the reality…a sad reality of our times where repeated mass testing in schools, isolation and all sorts of illogical restrictions are considered normal and protective (or preventive) measures against an invisible threat, that now has so many names and shades…

Probably I have to limit my expectations to what I actually can do for myself in order to keep that sanity and focus on myself and important people in my life, without having to battle with windmills of ignorance, arrogance and abuse. Even if I still feel an Outsider, living focused on myself and creating space to breathe and reflect on what my priorities are, gives me the possibility to be an Insider too…because through the lens of my inner eyes and intuition and by accessing the morphic energy field I am able to read and understand the energies acting behind the curtains of illusion created nowadays as a consequence of collective trauma survival mechanisms. It actually feels healthy to do this work of observation and reflection rather than battling those windmills. When this crisis and psychosis will be over (hopefully one day we will forget what happened in the past 2 years) I will also be able to draw my own conclusions and who knows if from this another creative endeaviour will be born.

What about you, do you also feel an Outsider and Insider at the same time? And how do you cope with the tension and stress of having to do this difficult job?

What are your priorities and battles?

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That kind of truth…that many do not wish to hear

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