Embodied spirituality vs surrogate spirituality

Re-connection can be a painful and difficult process, but it is the only way to take back your power and place in this world. Re-connection requires authenticity and courage, and loads of self-love and compassion.

Embodied spirituality vs surrogate spirituality

Re-connection can be a painful and difficult process, but it is the only way to take back your power and place in this world. Re-connection requires authenticity and courage, and loads of self-love and compassion.

I believe to be a spiritual person. I learned to connect with my own spiritual belief and create a practice through re-connecting with wounds and traumas and healing them. I like to dive deep and superficial spirituality where everything is only bliss, peace, love and enlightenment does not convince me.

I observe people, mostly those who are active in spiritual communities around the world and I see what they are offering. I used for a while, especially under the pandemics lockdowns, to follow on youtube some of the so called gurus, psychics or guides speaking about a massive change and transformation of humanity, assisted by galactic beings. I was curious to understand what were they preaching or offering to the so many followers they have. What I heard it was a lot of ….bla bla bla, with nice, sparkling and enlightened words. Still, a lot of bias and gaslighting…because of a heavy disconnection from the truth essence of who they are and what their true mission is. Fascinated by their own words and inspired bliss, they went into the trap of Ego and Fame…in the name of a supreme God/Goddess and Good.

And I asked myself a double question: what kind of spirituality are these people practicing and why?
Well, it is not embodied for sure. To be embodied it means to really be able to connect with the body, to stay with the pain and struggle that the body feels (emotionally, energetically, physically) and be able to do something about all this, to make sense of it, to transform it to the point it does not control your life anymore. Because they are much more comfortable to connect with the outside, to hope and pray for a Divine intervention, forgetting that the only Divine Help that exists is still….inside.

It is not real because it does not contain true, authentic or reliable information. The contents this kind of surrogate spirituality offers are based on personal beliefs and experiences, coming from a highly disconnected Self, from a lack of real Identity, from a lack of understanding of the deep and hidden mechanism and patterns that still govern their life.

And it is not beneficial because is leading other people into practices and attitudes or trends, that can lead to more disconnection and misunderstanding of their true purpose and contribution to the collective. Some will choose to claim they know the truth and fight for it at all costs, while others will just adopt the non-violent and non-action attitude…going with a flow already bypassed by nonsense and claims of superiority.

As to why this happens and is so common, what I can say is that I went through this and I have experienced all this on my own skin. I have been part of different groups and quests, did loads of meditations and retreats, I accepted what others were telling me about my mediumship skills and abilities to convey energies from outer spaces, to create my own crew (and probably spaceship) with galactic beings to achieve my mission as enlightened being. I even worked for a while with Goddesses and receiving/sending light codes…which I still do and consider a nice practice, from time to time. As long it is grounded in my body and I have the consciousness that all this is part of the collective consciousness too (at archetypal and psychological level, as many Archetypes are) and contributing to this in a fully aware manner.

And do you wish to know what my conclusion is? That more I heal and I become a Whole being, able to see the bias and misleading practices of others, I understand that this is my true and only mission: to just Be a Human, among other humans and do what I know to do best to support the humanity thrive and evolve.
I am not considering myself a healer, I might be a therapist one day, some say I have been and always be a shaman or witch…these are only labels for something that actually does not need them. As I retrieve the lost fragments of myself (some would call it Soul retrieval – it is just trauma healing) I come back to the One I have always been. And I find my center and my practice is the best one for only myself. Because I retain to be a Sovereign Being, in no need for gurus or followers.

From this place of Center and Understanding, I can advise and guide others. But this also means sometimes to tell them what they do not want to hear, to shake a little bit the crumbling foundations of a fake identity built up on disconnection and illusion. So they can claim their own birthright as Human and to connect to the Source of the Divine blessing that only a pure and healed Heart can envision.

Do not waste your time searching for something that you will only find when you go inside. Re-connection can be a painful and difficult process, but it is the only way to take back your power and place in this world. Re-connection requires authenticity and courage, and loads of self-love and compassion.

And so it is…blessings and hugs

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