Do not play the victim with me!

I have never afforded the luxury to be a victim, I fought with all my energy and determination along my life to not become one.

Do not play the victim with me!

I have never afforded the luxury to be a victim, I fought with all my energy and determination along my life to not become one.

I wish to share my thoughts with you as I had a situation with a lady complaining that I am a soulless creature just because I do not ask her why she cannot afford something I offered to her.

Before you place a label or a judgement on me think well! I am one and you are many. With some of you, mainly women, I also interact through my workshops, individual sessions and training groups. Because among other objectives of my life (to be a good mother, to achieve something in my professional career and fulfill other dreams I have) there is one in which you are included in a way or another. And this is to create a business profile that speaks about my spiritual mission and my desire to support people in their inner journey to achieve more growth and healing. And this takes a lot of time, effort and commitment.

As in parallel I have a full time job, a son with special needs, a household to maintain. Therefore my resources of time and energy are limited and though I tend to over give sometimes, it is no point to burn out, right?

Said this, if you are a person that might need my support (and for sure I can give some to you, as I have a solid foundation made of 46 years of life experience and many tools and skills I gained in the journey through life, schools, workshops, practices, healing processes and interactions) consider that my energy and time is not always or completely for free (unless you are a person very close and dear to me). I am a big heart but I am not limitless as a person in a human body.

Working with energy taught me that there should always be a balance between giving and receiving otherwise one of us or both sides will be prejudiced.

I can sometimes offer advice for free if I read the energy of a situation, I can offer discounts if you are in special situations and I always have free offerings from time to time on topics that I feel are important for many (as an invitation to dig deeper in different set ups). But if you come to me to complain about how miserable you feel or how poor you are, to just show me that you are a victim of other people and circumstance, then maybe you would rather go to someone else.

I have never afforded the luxury to be a victim, I fought with all my energy and determination along my life to not become one. And believe me, I went through many ups and downs, I have started from zero point several times and I had times when I felt I do not have enough and do not know where to go to find more stability and prosperity. I know what it means not to have enough, to worry about tomorrow, to feel small and weak…but I never gave up to myself and my inner spark. There was always hope inside and a will to move forward despite all difficult circumstances.

And today I see myself as abundant in many ways, not necessarily economically. I still have needs that might need more work to be fulfilled and dreams that require more investments. Once I have started to master new skills and understand the infinite potential I carry inside I know that in any situation I will always be able to find a solution and bring more abundance to me. And this awareness comes from my inner understanding of where I am in life, how much work and travel I did, how much I can still learn and how much I can give.

So, my dear, if today you find yourself at a low web and thinking you are victim and need help to get out of the mess, stop, take a breath and question yourself why you are in this situation, what brought you here and how you can actually improve it. If you wish to come to me do not tell me that you feel a victim because I am not going to even listen to it. I am not here to be another one to tell you that you have the right to complain and think you are less than you actually are.

Rather tell me what your strengths are and if you think you can transform the weaknesses and difficulties in a source of growth and self-inquiry. I can help you do this if you do not have enough tools or experience, I can support you through a deep and difficult healing process, I can show you ways to alchemically transform your shadows and dusty fears into powerful allies.
Do not fear your shadows and problems and suffering. If you feel overwhelmed rather than blaming others for it, try to look to yourself in the mirror and ask: What do I need to learn from this? How can I cultivate more strength and power even apparently everything is against me right now? What do I need to make me believe I can succeed and overcome anything in my life?

Become the leader of your own life by boldly and courageously accepting any challenge as a point of inner truth and strength. You might be surprise about what kind of support and tools you will find.
With your best interest in my heart, I wish you a wonderful Spring!

Other articles on this blog:

Where is my Body?

Where is my Body?

The solution for transiting from a survival mode to a thriving one is very close…and starts with a wish or intention for deep and restorative healing. So you can be whole again, and enjoying yourself and all that life has in hold for you to the maximum!

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Life is Love… all the rest is Porn

Life is Love… all the rest is Porn

I just finished watching a series dedicated or inspired from the life of a Porn star, named Rocco Siffredi. As I do not watch porn, I did not know anything about him but the movie shows he earned a kind of Oscar for his artistic performance.
I did not know what to expect from the movie but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. And it can be a good case study for a training on Trauma biography and survival strategies.

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All eyes on Trauma… but where is the real content?

All eyes on Trauma… but where is the real content?

Working with your traumas, especially the big ones, might bring you to your knees in understanding how much you ignored and fooled yourself. But on a long run will help you become whole and healthy, with a new awareness about yourself and the others, about the whole world and its own failing structures and toxic manifestations.

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