Are you Spiritual?

If you believe in past lives and how old your Soul might be, why should you not believe in the fact that along this life (the only one that can be proved as you are living it) you experienced so many things that your own memory cannot hold, so your brain shuts down to cope with the heaviness of this unknown past.

Are you Spiritual?

If you believe in past lives and how old your Soul might be, why should you not believe in the fact that along this life (the only one that can be proved as you are living it) you experienced so many things that your own memory cannot hold, so your brain shuts down to cope with the heaviness of this unknown past.

If you ask me this question, I will tell you this: I have been considering myself Spiritual and following spiritual practices for a while, but in the past 4 years something shifted in my own perception about spirituality and trends in spiritual world that made me understand I might not be…or if you wish to coin a different definition just for me then I might be a Spiritual Scientist, always eager to explore and dismantle false perceptions and outdated thinking patterns.

If you google the terms you stumble in different explanations and definitions. One says: spiritual means relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

If Spiritual means to understand that we are ALL RELATED, humans, crystalline/mineral, vegetal and animal realms and the Planet, then I am one. But if Spiritual means to stay disconnected from the body and psyche and believe what many gurus and leaders of spirituality teach or sell as absolute Truth nowadays, then I am not.

I say this and might seem controversial again (Oh, I love controversial topics…if you did not notice by now) because I am observing what is happening in this spiritual community around the world and I see the bias promoted as absolute truth about spirituality. I see many people, for example on youtube, promoting services, events and schools where you are supposed to get in touch with the Higher Self and the true Spiritual being you are, or even with your Galactic Team and many Ascended Masters and so…all concepts that are so abstract and imprecise or difficult to grasp if you are not spiritual yourself already.

In pandemics times there was a whole diffusion and crescent movement of awakening (they called it Ascension into higher dimensions! Lool) that fueled more hysteria than the pandemic itself. I saw many people, all of a sudden and from nowhere, becoming leaders for the masses and their own awakening or ascension, selling white lies and manipulative strategies wrapped in luxurious words and marketing gigs, to make us believe they possess the truth and only by listening to them we are going to be Saved from the misery, pain, and chaos experienced in those years. And what amazed me was to see how many followers they got in such a short time just because people were shocked and willing to find comfort and help at any cost.

Well, I do not have a full mastery of the Truth but I know mine. And since I started to work with traumas I see how these fake gurus and teachers were using the trauma survival strategies of people to create others and to keep them bound to the contents they were promoting as life saving, so they will return for more.

The Spiritual world of today is so sick, narcissistic, fragmented, disconnected and full of bias and hypocrisy that I cannot consider myself part of it. I am an Outcast or Outsider and I will probably always be as I do not follow any master or guru or enlighten being. I can accept some authorities in what trauma work, healing or alternative or classical forms of therapy are concerned and I will update myself from their books, lectures and events if I can, but I retain I have my own authority to follow as a priority.

And as an authority for my own life and way of thinking, I say: there is no Higher Self – just one Self once you bring the fragments of your psyche back from the realms of trauma and fragmentation. What people call Soul is a complex reality that your body and psyche create as a tapestry of many colors, materials, shades, energies, beliefs, emotions, interactions, that life provided through experiencing it.

There is no Galactic team (or other alien guides) out there willing to reach you and Save you. There are no Ascended Masters to watch for you and support your evolution in this life. All these names are archetypal symbols that the collective consciousness created based on past experiences and collective accumulated trauma, as a strategy to cope with what is difficult, not dealt properly, not healed and repeating itself in many ways and circumstances.
If you believe in past lives and how old your Soul might be, why should you not believe in the fact that along this life (the only one that can be proved as you are living it) you experienced so many things that your own memory cannot hold, so your brain shuts down to cope with the heaviness of this unknown past. Instead of blaming what happened in those past lives and that conditioned your fate in this life, learn to go deeper inside your body and search for the answers and the truth that are already there available to you. Yes, the Body in this case is your most precious guide and allay and master…it has all the keys to self-inquiry and awareness and healing paths. Before you speak and try to solve the Soul, solve the Body and its Trauma mechanisms that keep you stuck in behaviors and thinking that are not healthy.

Yes, I am proud to not be Spiritual anymore…but self-aware and embodied in my own consciousness and doing real work that does not disconnect more but helps in understanding and living the true connection with everything I carry inside.
What about you? Are you still in fragmentation and denial or walking the path into your own Truth and Fullness?

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