Re-connection can be a painful and difficult process, but it is the only way to take back your power and place in this world. Re-connection requires authenticity and courage, and loads of self-love and compassion.
Re-connection can be a painful and difficult process, but it is the only way to take back your power and place in this world. Re-connection requires authenticity and courage, and loads of self-love and compassion.
Why I do not believe in past lives and similar concepts
Until I found trauma therapy and I started to search into my own psyche and found the clues for all the dissociation and disconnection I was in. Then those AHA moments came and with them all the new understanding I am also exposing here. Because I know the DIFFERENCE.
The Womb of the Goddess
In the Womb of the Goddess / I nest my dreams and wants, / In the womb of the Goddess / I find comfort…
An unexpected experiment…full of teachings
Without realizing I made a post 2 days ago that suddenly became viral and a lot of people started to comment on it. I engaged in the discussion curious to see what people say and think…and it has been very interesting and I learned a lot about the human psyche and the cognitive bias and misunderstandings we engage in just by looking at a picture with a text associated with it.
Where is my Body?
The solution for transiting from a survival mode to a thriving one is very close…and starts with a wish or intention for deep and restorative healing. So you can be whole again, and enjoying yourself and all that life has in hold for you to the maximum!
Life is Love… all the rest is Porn
I just finished watching a series dedicated or inspired from the life of a Porn star, named Rocco Siffredi. As I do not watch porn, I did not know anything about him but the movie shows he earned a kind of Oscar for his artistic performance.
I did not know what to expect from the movie but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. And it can be a good case study for a training on Trauma biography and survival strategies.
All eyes on Trauma… but where is the real content?
Working with your traumas, especially the big ones, might bring you to your knees in understanding how much you ignored and fooled yourself. But on a long run will help you become whole and healthy, with a new awareness about yourself and the others, about the whole world and its own failing structures and toxic manifestations.
Are you Spiritual?
If you believe in past lives and how old your Soul might be, why should you not believe in the fact that along this life (the only one that can be proved as you are living it) you experienced so many things that your own memory cannot hold, so your brain shuts down to cope with the heaviness of this unknown past.
The BIAS of being right or wrong
The BIAS is in the Mind, the Fear and Avoidance are in the Body to show us what Trauma brought on the surface. When we avoid speaking, looking into or understanding Trauma as part of our journey through life, we generate BIAS as an excuse for what we are not ready or not wish to face in a honest way.
About Success and trauma survival strategy
Why do I see so many disconnected (to be read as traumatized) people being Successful and really visible and acclaimed by others, by many followers or consumers of our society?
On HEALING and Healing!
Today I walk two paths of healing – my own, continuing with therapy and practices that make me able navigate the stress of daily life and proceed into the realms of hidden stories that my body and psyche can hold – and of the others.
TRAUMA – a fashionable word or a harsh reality?
We feel safe as long as it does not claim a lot of space in our life, but we forget that its mechanisms are so subtle and hidden…as long as we do not feel a certain pain or discomfort, we consider there is not there, and we can even decide to shut it down, to suppress it.
Family Constellation and the quest for Inclusion
I studied family constellation for 2 years and since 2018 I also practice it as facilitator, as representative (resonator) or as client.
It has been an eye opening tool and connected me to something bigger and wider than Me and my own life: the morphogenetic field.
When Life and Death become one reality!
I have always felt a certain familiarity with Death, mourning, loss and decay. Maybe this is one reason for which I wish one day to learn to be a death doula for those close to their transition into a different dimension of the Soul…
The Turtles and the Monkeys
There is a ladder from the Mother Earth leading to the Father Sky. And on this ladder the Turtles are moving slowly but steadily toward the Light. The load they carry proudly is not only their home, the protective shell, but also hundreds of years of histories, experiences and knowledge.
The syndrome of boiling frog
After 1 year of experiencing the ups and downs (epidemiological cycles as in all cases of life threating outbreaks) of this C-virus game, we all have figured out that many things that we are told should be a certain way are not working to our benefit and that are still so many uncertainties and variable at stake that even the scientists, doctors and governments involved are puzzled by their own evaluations and decisions.
The Spark
I was listening to a lecture given by a Portuguese astrologer I know personally and I also admire for his analyses and predictive capability. He was speaking about the year 2022 and the future of the society and civilization, which find itself at a kind of crossroads.
That kind of truth…that many do not wish to hear
I am not an authority in terms of spirituality. I only started on this path in an intensive and systematic way in 2014, one year after my son was born. Since then I have learned a lot, I have tried many things and techniques, I went to many people to ask advise or support or therapy. I am aware there is still so much to learn, to experience and to heal.
Spiritual “Curriculum” & Inner Competences
I have meditated lately about my journey in life in the past years, especially since 2008 when I move from Italy to Portugal. It was an intense journey, with many ups and downs, with many useful insights on my own life purpose and evolution as Woman Universalis.
In the fibers of my Soul
There is a Voice
Crying, dancing, praying, laughing, cursing…
In the bones of my Body Tree
Our pain can be our best teacher
There was a quote somewhere (I do not remember where) saying that you can awaken spiritually because of pain if not because of other reasons.