Protected: Sacred Womb & Heart Mystery School – Modules

Sacred Heart & Womb Mystery School

Sacred Heart & Womb Mystery School Welcome to this Initiatory Journey with teachings of ancient and modern mysteries schools of the Sacred Heart & Womb! Sacred Heart & Womb Mystery School Welcome to this Initiatory Journey with teachings of ancient and...
The BIAS of being right or wrong

The BIAS of being right or wrong

The BIAS of being right or wrong The BIAS is in the Mind, the Fear and Avoidance are in the Body to show us what Trauma brought on the surface. When we avoid speaking, looking into or understanding Trauma as part of our journey through life, we generate BIAS as an...
About Success and trauma survival strategy

About Success and trauma survival strategy

About Success and trauma survival strategy Why do I see so many disconnected (to be read as traumatized) people being Successful and really visible and acclaimed by others, by many followers or consumers of our society? About Success and trauma survival strategy Why...
Womb healing sessions

Womb healing sessions

Womb healing sessions I give these sessions to any woman who is ready to step in her self-discovery and healing journey of the Womb-Heart (Grail) container to become the Mistress, Queen or Goddess of her own destiny. Womb healing sessions I give these sessions to any...